Practising a good hygiene

More than just being clean, good hygiene is helpful to your whole physical and emotional health. Keeping your full body clean from head to toe will prevent you from getting illnesses and infections caused by hazardous microorganisms, as well as boost your self-esteem. When we take care of ourselves, we tend to feel better.There are various personal hygiene routines that you may include into your daily routine to ensure that you and the environment around you remain clean.

What is Personal Hygiene?
Keeping all aspects of the external body clean and healthy is part of good personal hygiene. It is essential for both physical and emotional well-being. The body provides an excellent condition for germs to develop in persons who have low personal hygiene, making them vulnerable to infection.Maintaining good personal hygiene will also benefit you in avoiding the spread of infections to others.

Types of Personal Hygiene
Oral Hygiene
Gum disease, cavities, and bad breath can all be avoided by cleaning and flossing your teeth. Brushing your teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, is advised. Using an antimicrobial mouthwash as part of your daily routine can help reduce bacteria in your mouth and prevent tooth decay.

It is important that you replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months and see your dentist every 6 months for routine cleanings.

Body Hygiene
Every day, try to bathe or shower. Wash thoroughly, especially beneath your arms, around your genitals, and around your anus. Skin irritations can be avoided by keeping clean, and microorganisms that produce odours can be removed. Use soap, shower gel, or a hypoallergenic body wash to clean yourself. Although soap kills more bacteria, sensitive body regions may need to be washed with plain water or salt water. You should also shampoo your hair at least once a week, or more frequently if necessary.

Hand Hygiene
Washing your hands is one of the basic habits to develop in order to prevent germs from spreading to your eyes, mouth, food, and others around you. Hands should be washed whenever you handle food, rubbish, pet an animal, sneeze, or use the restroom.You must ensure that you are thoroughly washing your hands in order to get the benefits of doing so. Keep these five steps in mind when washing your hands:
  • Apply soap to your hands after washing them with clean water
  • Hands should be fully lathered by rubbing soap into them
  • For at least 20 seconds, scrub your hands
  • Rinse your hands thoroughly
  • Use a towel to dry your hands or let them air dry

Routine Tips of Hygiene
  • Realize the importance: A regular routine can become a regular part of life with actual practice. Choose one area to concentrate on and practise it until it comes naturally
  • Keep a checklist of it: Using a phone's notes app to keep track of tasks might be a wonderful method to avoid forgetting them
  • Use incentives: A sticker chart can be a great motivator for kids to keep up with their personal hygiene
  • Invest in good toiletries: Some people may be more likely to stick to their personal hygiene routine if they use products that smell lovely